Land Development

Cultivating Community Presence, Promoting Sustainable Growth

Our mission extends to adopting eco-friendly practices in our operations, creating equal job opportunities, and empowering social development projects in Saskatchewan. We see ourselves as more than constructors. Each completed project symbolizes our contribution to community growth and commitment to its well-being.

We eagerly invite you to be a part of this journey. Together, as a community, let’s shape Saskatchewan. Let’s build structures and a brighter, sustainable future for Saskatchewan and its people.

Our Community Commitments

Synergy Construction is committed to making a significant and enduring impact on the communities we work with. Here’s a closer look at our focus areas:

Land Development

Sustainability & Environmental Practices

At Synergy Construction, sustainability refers to our dedication to conducting business in a way that benefits society, the environment, and the economy long term. We make decisions that prevent negative consequences for future generations.

We build with our planet in mind, incorporating environmentally friendly construction materials, conserving resources such as water, land, and energy, and minimizing pollution with our construction methods. These measures help lower our carbon footprint—the total greenhouse gas emissions caused directly or indirectly by our activities.
We work to implement the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – by operating efficiently, choosing materials that can be used multiple times, and recycling waste wherever possible. By repurposing old materials instead of discarding them, we save resources and decrease overall waste production.
Our commitment includes adopting technologies such as renewable energy sources (e.g., solar or wind), energy-efficient lighting and machinery, and green building techniques. These initiatives reduce the energy consumption of our projects, effectively cutting emissions and costs.
Synergy Construction has earned certifications and awards recognizing our commitment to sustainable practices. These accolades emphasize the efforts we continually make to be a responsible business.

Workforce Development & Opportunities

At Synergy Construction, our commitment extends far beyond just doing business. We believe in creating opportunities that empower and uplift the communities in which we function. This philosophy is grounded in our focus on local employment, training programs, and an inclusive work culture.

  1. Local Employment: Our goal is to help local economies flourish by providing job opportunities within our communities. This allows us to contribute directly to economic growth, mitigate unemployment, and facilitate a more prosperous community. We are about more than just building structures; we’re about building communities.
  2. Training Programs: We see the potential in every individual. We believe in nurturing this potential and contributing to the industry’s skill pool. For this, we offer a range of training and apprenticeship programs to enhance the local talent in the construction industry. Our training programs are geared to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel.
  3. Diversity and Inclusion: At Synergy Construction, every employee brings a unique perspective and set of skills. Our ethos is to embrace this diversity, which is integral to the innovative spirit of our company. We value diversity in race, gender, age, cultural background, cognitive style, and other aspects. We work diligently to create an inclusive work environment where every voice is heard, respected, and valued.

Synergy Construction emphasizes workforce development, transcending firm boundaries, and enhancing communities. Our focus extends from constructing buildings to fostering the professional growth of community contributors. The structures become homes, and our nurtured communities embody the human spirit.

Community Development Projects & Volunteering

Synergy Construction takes pride in encouraging its employees’ involvement in community service. Everyone in our organization can positively change the local community. This is manifested through:

Synergy Construction organizes and facilitates employee participation in local community service initiatives. Through these volunteering programs, the employees can make a difference by contributing to their communities while building relationships with the people we serve.
The power of partnerships cannot be overstated in community development. Synergy Construction actively engages in partnerships with local organizations and non-profits. This collaboration allows us to lend our resources and expertise to those who can benefit the most from it, driving impactful change in the community.

We value initiative and innovative thinking among our employees. Synergy Construction supports employees who take the lead in community development projects. We provide them with the necessary resources to execute their vision, fostering a sense of accomplishment and community leadership.

In line with our belief that active community involvement is not just a responsibility but a privilege, we at Synergy Construction are dedicated to empowering our employees to positively and significantly impact their communities.

Join Synergy Construction in Strengthening Saskatchewan’s Future

Are you eager to hear more about our community outreach programs or interested in partnering with us in our mission? Don’t hesitate to get in touch! Our dedicated community relations team is excited to speak with you. Collaborative efforts can create a stronger, more vibrant community for Saskatchewan.

Our team will offer guidance, answer your questions, and explore opportunities to engage you in our various initiatives. Together, we will work towards building lasting relationships, supporting sustainable projects, and fostering social development.

Let’s build a bright future for our community. Connect with our community relations team today and join us in our unwavering commitment to Saskatchewan and its people!

What Our Clients Say